North Star Contracting
Class A License #2705181375 (RBC)

General FAQ

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim?

This is a good question, and only your insurance company can answer this. From our experience, most claims can be filed within a 2-year period from the date of the storm. We have seen limitations to this on some rare occasions and extensions to this time frame as well. The first thing to do is have your home inspected to determine if damage has occurred before taking the step of filing a claim or inquiring as to the timeline.

Contractors Keep Knocking on My Door for a Storm That I Do Not Remember Happening. Why?

As storm damage restoration contractors, our job is to monitor storms and weather patterns to determine whether communities were likely in the path of one of these powerful storms. Many storms occur in the afternoon or evening when homeowners are not home and are at work, out to dinner, shopping, etc. So, it is possible that you were not at home to witness the storm.

This Sounds Like a Scam, Right?

Doubt and skepticism are completely understandable. The reality is the insurance company has their hired hand to come out and do their independent inspection. These adjusters evaluate for property damage. No insurance company is going to pay to replace anything on your home because your contractor said to. They have their adjuster do an independent evaluation, which prevents scams from occurring. Just like the insurance company has an adjuster working for them to determine damage, you should have an expert representing your interests as well. We provide the balance to the equation to ensure everything is above board. We highly encourage you to have your property inspected prior to filing a claim so you do not file any unnecessary claims for damage you do not have. That is where North Star Contracting comes in. We provide a free, thorough evaluation of your home so you are prepared prior to filing a claim.

Additional FAQs

For your added reference, we have compiled other FAQs involving more specific topics, including:

Contact us today if your specific inquiry is not related to any of these or cannot be found on this page.